a note from Jan
"A wave of young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger's need to become contributing members of society. Aspire focuses upon a comprehensive program of providing employment and a social community that has developed into a support network. Autism is a diverse population in terms of skills and aptitudes. There are no employment models to address the needs for young adults on the spectrum. An assortment of generalized learning difficulties need to be accommodated by generating intervention strategies that break down tasks into discrete processes.
Artisans as Aspire are given the opportunity to realize their potential, to attain higher goals and skills, and to focus their attention on detail and accuracy. Aspire offers diagnostic teaching of skills allowing instructors to work with an artisan's strengths while addressing deficit skills areas.
The aim of creating a supportive environment at Aspire is to facilitate our artisans in developing a greater sense of self. These individuals can not always find an easy path in our world so Aspire is attempting to find a place in the workforce where they thrive and find engaging work that leads to quality of life. Artisans are given a genuine chance to feel successful."